Privacy agreement

Edition No. 2.2020 dated November 29, 2020

This Confidentiality Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) regulates the procedure for the processing and use of personal data of individuals (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data Subjects and / or the User) using the services of the international public electoral Internet platform (hereinafter referred to as the Website). The agreement complies with the requirements of international legislation, in particular the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation (EU) 2016 / 679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL), as well as the laws of your country (including, but not limited to, CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados)), to the extent not contradicting the norms of international law.

By signing the Agreement, the User provides his/her unconditional consent to the collection, processing and storage of personal data using an automated system, which are entered into the electronic database of personal data of the Website Users.

The User confirms that at the time of signing the Agreement he/she is already 18 years of age.

We respect Your personal data and collect and process it to the minimum amount necessary for the operation of the Website and for establishing and maintaining feedback from you.

Personal data means the following data received from the Users:

  • User name;
  • the country of the User;
  • the city of the User;
  • User's email address;
  • User's phone number.

The Owner is not responsible for the truthfulness of the information provided by the User, and does not undertake the obligation to double-check it.

Personal information is stored on the Owner's server. The Owner has the right to store personal data on servers in any country in the world chosen at his discretion in accordance with the requirements of applicable international legislation in the field of personal data protection.

The Owner carries out adequate protection of personal data in accordance with international law and takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data.

Personal data is not distributed or passed on to third parties by the Owner. The Owner has the right to transfer the User's personal data without the consent of the latter only to state bodies, including the bodies of inquiry and investigation, and local authorities on the basis of their motivated official request and / or a court decision. In other cases, the Owner may transfer personal data to third parties only at the User's request.

The User guarantees that all personal data are accurate and do not belong to third parties.

The User information and personal data of the Website Users shall be stored on the principle "throughout the lifetime" - throughout the period of the Website use by the User. Changing or deleting data is possible at the personal request of the User, as well as after the court decision concerning the deletion or destruction of the User's personal data comes into effect. To do this, a request must be sent to [email protected]. These requests are reviewed within 30 days.

If the User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement, he/she is obliged to stop using the Website. The unconditional acceptance of this Agreement is the beginning of the use of the Website by the User.

The Owner has the right to make changes and / or update this Agreement. When making changes to the current version, the date of the last update is specified. The new version of the Agreement comes into effect from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement. We recommend that the Users periodically check the relevance of this Agreement. By continuing to use the Website after the Agreement has been changed, you agree to the changes made.

The international law in the field of personal data protection should be applied to this Agreement, the relationship between the User and the Owner arising in connection with the application of the Agreement, as well as possible disputes.

The Owner’s contact information:

E-mail: [email protected]

रचनात्मक समाज
हमसे संपर्क करें
[email protected]
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